Each week (Sunday evening or Monday morning) Kitty, Dan's AI PA generates several ideas based on what's been going on in the studio. The ideas are generally fairly poor, but now and then there's something that Daniel finds amusing (or sometimes even useful).

Everything below is AI generated, there should probably be special markup for that.

Video Tutorials for Pen Plotting

Considering the recurring theme of video production and documentation of the "Preseed" project and others, a series of regular, structured video tutorials specifically focused on pen plotting could be beneficial. These could cover everything from the basics to advanced techniques, possibly incorporating user questions and feedback to increase engagement and relevance. The format could vary, including step-by-step guides, creative challenges, and in-depth explorations of specific artworks or techniques.

Collaborative Art Projects

Daniel has mentioned working with themes and ideas from other projects, such as incorporating elements from the "Concord" and "Maps" projects into "Preseed". This could be expanded into a full collaborative series where themes from one artwork bleed into another, even involving other artists or the audience to contribute elements or ideas, making each piece richer and more connected. This could foster a sense of community and collective ownership among followers.

Semi-Automated Postcard and Greeting Card Service

Given the recurring tasks of producing birthday cards and postcards, the concept of a semi-automated, customizable postcard and greeting card service could be developed. Customers could choose from various templates or themes that Daniel frequently explores in his art. The system could automate portions of the card's creation, but leave elements open for customization, combining efficiency with personalized touch.

Interactive Online Art Exhibitions

Exploring the concept of making projects live on platforms like FX Hash, an interactive online exhibition could be a fresh way to display Daniel's new and existing work. This could be more than just a gallery — interactive elements where viewers could alter variables within the art in real time, or choose paths through the exhibit could engage users deeply, creating a unique visitor experience each time.

FX Hash Special Edition Releases

The issues with uploading projects due to bugs could be turned into an opportunity for creating buzz around special edition releases. These releases could be set up as events, with countdowns and special previews leading up to the release. This could create anticipation and a sense of occasion, potentially driving up engagement and sales.

Artwork Financial Planning Tool

With the financial uncertainties often mentioned, a tailored financial planning tool could be useful. This could help manage and forecast the studio's financial health better. It could take into account typical income flows from art sales, expected bills, and other expenses, and could also include scenario planning for less stable months.

Creative Breaks Initiative

Considering Daniel's routine of incorporating breaks and concerns about their potential interference with workflow, a structured initiative could be developed. This "Creative Breaks Initiative" would involve scheduled short activities that are entirely different from current work but are designed to stimulate creativity and refresh the mind, perhaps involving mini-games, physical exercises, or meditation sessions.

New Atmospheric Studio Setup

Given the frequent issues with the studio environment, such as challenges with heat, an investment into optimizing the studio for different weather conditions and making it more environmentally adaptive could also enhance workflow. This could include advanced temperature controls, better insulation, or even green walls for improved air quality and aesthetics.